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How Well Do Your Glasses Flatter Your Face?

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When choosing your next pair of glasses, what factors influence your decision?

Consider adding your face shape to that list. Glasses are not just functional; they serve as a customizable element of your facial expression and are a distinctly visible part of your look. They provide a brilliant opportunity to flaunt your unique personality and style preferences. Ideally, they should not only reflect your character but also complement your facial features beautifully.

The Shape of Your Face

Human faces, like people, come in a diverse array of shapes and sizes. Although we may not have the exaggerated facial contours of cartoon characters, you’ve likely noticed real people with distinctly square or round features. Some common face shapes include:

  • Square face: Characterized by a pronounced jawline and a broad forehead, this face shape is usually as wide as it is long.
  • Round face: Features full cheeks, a rounded hairline, and chin, maintaining a near-equal width and length.
  • Oval face: Essentially a longer, slimmer version of the round face.
  • Heart-shaped face: Recognizable by a narrow chin, wider cheeks and forehead, and often accompanied by a widow’s peak at the hairline.

Unsure of your own face shape? It’s simple to find out. Arm yourself with a washable marker, stand in front of a mirror, close one eye, and trace the outline of your face on the mirror’s surface. The resulting shape should give you a good clue, loosely fitting into one of the categories mentioned above.

Choosing Glasses for Your Face Shape

Identifying your face shape simplifies the process of selecting frames that enhance your features. Generally, opting for frames that contrast with your face shape is beneficial. For example, rectangular frames might overly accentuate the angles of a square face, giving it a more severe appearance. However, these same frames can bring definition to a rounder face. Conversely, round frames have the ability to soften the sharp angles of a square face.

Of Course, There Are Other Style Considerations…

Alongside shape, other crucial elements to consider are size, color, thickness, and material of the frames. It’s essential that your glasses fit well — not too big, nor too small, although fashion trends may shift these standards over time. For children, who can quickly outgrow their frames, choosing glasses that are appropriate for their age and maturity level can make a significant difference, especially if they are hesitant to wear them regularly.

The color of your frames should also harmonize with your skin tone. For those with warm skin tones, frames in cool shades like dark tortoise, blue, jade, plum, blue-gray, silver, and black can be particularly flattering. Conversely, if you have a cool skin tone, you might find that warm colors such as blond tortoise, fire-engine red, off-white, coral, orange, peach, copper, gold, or camel better enhance your features.

Let’s Help You Find Your Ideal Frames!

Not sure where to begin in your search for the perfect glasses? We’re here to assist! Our team is eager to provide personalized recommendations and we look forward to helping you during your next visit to our office.

We cherish our patients and can’t wait to see you!


Written by Lifetime Optometric

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