Our Technology in Fresno

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Exceptional Care with Modern Technology

At Lifetime Optometric, we have strategically incorporated innovative technologies to help us achieve our goal of delivering exceptional eye care to you and your family. 

Whether it’s monitoring your eye health over time, performing routine eye exams, or detecting eye conditions early, our sophisticated technologies help us arrive at accurate diagnoses and deliver tailored treatment plans.

Your eye health and peace of mind are important to us, so we’ve equipped ourselves to prioritize that.

Come visit us at our office! We look forward to meeting you.

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Our Goal Is to Be Proactive About Your Eye Health

Modern technology can provide in-depth details about your eyes, but technology is just one piece of the puzzle.

We combine technological insights with our team’s experience and a genuine understanding of your lifestyle to help us create personalized care plans.

It’s about blending innovative technology with a human touch. This approach helps us identify potential issues early on and support your overall well-being.

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Our Technology

At Lifetime Optometric, the quality of care you receive is important to us. That’s why we’ve equipped ourselves with a suite of innovative technology to aid in diagnosing and treating multiple eye conditions.

Optos California

Optos California is a retinal imaging device that captures a panoramic retina view in a single image. Most traditional imaging methods only show a small portion of the eye at a time, while Optos California provides a full 200-degree view of the eye’s interior.

The ultra-wide imaging allows eye care professionals to detect and monitor eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy more effectively.

Pachymetry is a diagnostic tool used to measure cornea thickness. It works by delivering a low-power ultrasound wave onto the cornea and measuring the time it takes for the echo to return.

An important tool for evaluating various eye conditions, including glaucoma and corneal diseases, pachymetry helps provide precise and quantitative data for accurate diagnosis and treatment options.

Virtual visual field testing assesses peripheral vision using virtual reality headsets to create an immersive environment where patients react to visual stimuli in their periphery. Eliminating environmental distractions and standardizing testing conditions allow for more accurate and reliable results, leading to a better overall experience for the patient.

Optovue Solix (OCT/OCT-A)

Optovue Solix is an advanced imaging tool that uses high-speed optical coherence tomography (OCT) to capture detailed cross-sectional images of the eye. It provides a comprehensive assessment of eye health and allows us to diagnose and monitor eye conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.

iCare is a portable diagnostic tool using a gentle rebounding probe to measure the intraocular pressure in the eye, a key indicator of glaucoma. Traditional diagnostic methods usually require numbing eye drops that put pressure on the cornea. With iCare, there can be less discomfort, no need for anesthesia, and a faster measurement process.

Eyewear & Lens Technologies

Your vision is more than just clarity—it’s about enhancing your life. At Lifetime Optometric, we use eyewear and lens technology designed to do just that. 

Whether you need help with eye strain, headaches, color perception, or overall comfort, we’re committed to providing lenses that can make a difference. 

Neurolenses for Screen Time

Most people spend 7 hours or even more on their screen daily, whether for work, school, or leisure activities. Neurolenses are a type of glasses with a contoured prism designed to help people who experience eye strain, headaches, and other discomforts caused by excessive screen time.

Color blindness—or color deficiency—is a condition in which you see color differently than others. This can make it hard to tell the difference between certain colors, like red and green.

There are different types of color blindness, and we can detect the varieties with a color vision test suitable for both kids and adults.

We offer tinted glasses that filter specific light wavelengths to help enhance color contrast. These glasses can help individuals with color deficiency distinguish colors that may appear similar.

Avulux Migraine Glasses

Do you suffer from migraines? Does light trigger or worsen your symptoms? You’re not alone. Millions of people worldwide are affected by migraines, and up to 90% of them experience light sensitivity during an attack.

That’s where Avulux migraine and light sensitivity lenses come in. Avulux offers the only clinically proven lenses designed to help those with migraines and light sensitivity.

Nine out of 10 Avulux users report being able to resume daily activities with the relief these lenses provide. That is why we offer Avulux migraine and light sensitivity lenses.

The Optikam is a diagnostic device designed to help us dispense eyewear. Capturing your posture and facial measurements help us arrive at an appropriate frame fit and lens parameters. Using a combination of hardware and software, the Optikam gives us real-time feedback on frame positioning for optimal comfort and vision clarity.

Optikam technology helps us offer personalized recommendations and virtual try-ons, which streamline the fitting process, increase accuracy, and enhance the overall patient experience.

Colorblind Screening Test

Our 4-circle card provides a quick screening for color vision deficiencies, detecting both red/green and blue/yellow issues. 

If you can’t see any of the numbers, it indicates a deficiency. Schedule an appointment to learn more about our Color My World glasses!

What’s Your Antioxidant Score?

Your antioxidant score indicates the amount of carotenoids in your body–the antioxidants you get from eating fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are critical for protecting your cells against free radical damage and oxidative stress to help keep your body—and eyes—healthy. 

You can add an antioxidant scoring test to your routine eye exam for $5. If you’d like the test done alone, we charge $20. 

How Does It Work?

The BioPhotonic scanner uses spectroscopy technology to provide an antioxidant score based on your body’s carotenoid activity. With such valuable information, you can find out if your current diet, lifestyle, body composition, and supplements provide the right antioxidant protection you need to promote your health.

A low antioxidant score indicates that you may need to make some lifestyle adjustments to help improve your health. A low score can indicate an increased risk of glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. We recommend adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet to help increase your score.

We also recommend taking Macuhealth vitamins to increase your score. It’s the only supplement with a 10:10:2 ratio of Lutein, Meso-Zeaxanthin, and Zeaxanthin, which are crucial for supporting the health of your macula, the part of your retina responsible for sharp and detailed vision.

Specialty Contact Lenses for Keratoconus

At Lifetime Optometric, we specialize in fitting contact lenses for individuals with keratoconus, a condition that affects the shape of the cornea and can distort vision. 

Our team offers custom-designed specialty lenses, including scleral lenses, to provide optimal comfort and clear vision for those with keratoconus. These advanced lenses create a smooth optical surface over the cornea, correcting irregularities and improving visual acuity.

Whether you’re new to contact lenses or need an updated fit, our personalized approach helps us find the best solution to meet your unique visual needs.

Get The Care You Deserve

Your eye health is our priority. Our dedicated and experienced staff are well-equipped with all the necessary tools to take good care of you.

Ready to take control of your eye health? Schedule an appointment with us today!

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Our Location

We’re located inside The Atrium office plaza on E Herndon Ave, with building and parking access from E Warner Ave.

Our Address

  • 1111 E. Herndon Avenue, Suite 101
  • Fresno, CA 93720

Contact Information

Our Hours

  • Monday*: 8:15 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday*: 8:15 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday*: 9:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday*: 8:15 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday**: 8:15 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
  • *Closed for lunch 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Monday to Thursday.
    **Closed for lunch 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM on Friday.

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